Showing posts with label florist detective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label florist detective. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Florist Detective

It's that time of year again when we like to remember our friends and family with a gift of flowers. It's amazing how you can go a long time without physically seeing a particular friend, but the relationship stays just as strong as ever. Sending flowers is such a wonderful way to say "I still care".

By now you have heard me talk about the virtues of "ordering local". Contact the local flower shop directly, and cut out the middleman who does nothing but diminish the value of your order.

I want to recommend a website that does an outstanding job of explaining what is really going on. It's called Florist Detective and I recommend it highly. Spend a couple of minutes on the site and you will be a more informed flower buyer. Your friends will thank you.