Saturday, February 9, 2008

Flower buying advice the whole year

One of the biggest holidays of the year will occur in just a few days, but guys just don't seem to have a clue about the power of flowers at times other than Valentine's Day writes Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp in the Indy Star.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that when women are given flowers they respond with smiles and it gives them a sense of well-being. Unfortunately, most men don’t get it since they only make about 20% of most flower purchases. However, according to SAF, (The Society of American Florists), that number goes up to over 60% on Valentine’s Day.

The point is that most men don’t know or don’t appreciate the value of buying women flowers year-round. The same goes for women. Men who receive flowers tend to open up and become more social. What better reason to visit your local florist.

Finally, if you’re one of those flower-challenged people and need some help visit for demonstrations, advice and a lot of good knowledge.

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