Thursday, May 29, 2008

Santa Ana Orange Grove

It's a sad day for Santa Ana, CA. One of the last Orange Groves in the city has been sold and is going to be turned into houses. According to the OC Register, the 4.5 acre property is the last remaining grove of any size in Santa Ana.

For those of you that don't know, Santa Ana was started almost 100 years ago with a few cottages built among the acres and acres of oranges, apricots and walnuts. Boy how things have changed.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that with more and more people pouring into the region, something has to give--and in this case it's the trees.

Still, it seems a little sad. At some point all of Orange County will be wall to wall development. The kids being born today will know a completely different OC than the one that I knew.

I guess the only thing to do is to stop by Visser's and buy your grandkid a nice plant. (It couldn't hurt)

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